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The 4 Atlantic Provinces

Often times in the corner of a page I will start to doodle with simple lines and dots. When I walked along a Christmas craft market I saw a set of matching potted plates each with a different Atlantic province imprinted into the surface.

My issue with the plates was the colour, they had been glazed an shade of green close to olive that just put me off, the imprinted provinces where coated in a blue that was more appealing to my eye.

Considering this I decided that if I did not like the way it was done why not come up with my on way of artistically representing the provinces, minus the pottery of course.

So using my doodling stye I drew the outline of the provinces and doodled away at the inside portions.

Now however I am faced with the challenge of how to represent my pieces in a way that makes full use of their design.

Penguin Huddle

After a particularly hard day I was waiting for a lift home when I decided to draw away my frustration. I found some image stored on my phone, something that had piqued my interest at the time. I came across this picture of a parent penguin huddling a smaller baby penguin. Since the photo was already in black and white this immediately gave me the inspiration for a charcoal piece but at the time I only had a 2-3H graphite pencil with me.

Because of the low quality loose leaf paper that I had and the hard type of pencil I was using the quality of my original sketch is poor.

Going off of that however I started my Charcoal picture, it took quiet a bit of trial and error. The shading on the larger parent penguin was very precise, whereas the smaller baby penguin had a grey coat and therefore was more of a challenge to shade. 

As well as shading it was a challenge to maintain a level of texture in the penguins coats.

I plan to perfect this charcoal drawing on a canvas that has a special base layer allowing for charcoal drawings to be drawn on it.

Ongoing Projects

[In the Works]
In Progress
Completed 13/01/2018
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